2014 Ben Newton

Giving Tuesday - Giving Ethiopian wolves a future

3rd December 2019
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Ethiopian wolves are the jewels of the African highlands. In their mountain reign, wolves live with communities who need nature as much as wolves do, so they need people on their side. With the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme you are building a future for people and nature, by promoting sustainable livelihoods that encourage the care and protection of natural resources. We are making a special pledge to scale up initiatives that create more and healthier habitats for the wolves. Donate this end of year and a generous donor will match up contributions up to US$10,000


"Highland honey"  This is the famous honey from Erica moorlands and forests where wolves find food and shelter. With modern hives and traditional practices, bee-keeping brings alternative income and motivates people to protect the natural vegetation. US$ 5,000 will cover all costs for 25 new honey producers.


"Guassa gardens" Wolves thrive in guassa grasslands but this native grass is also highly valued and harvested as a cash crop. Growing guassa in homesteads and fields benefits people while restoring wolf habitat.  US$4,000 will pay for 30 guassa fields.



"Saving fuel, saving wolves" People harvest charranfe bushes in wolf habitat for cooking, lighting and heating their houses. Forming cooperatives, local women produce and sell fuel-saving stoves, which use half of the firewood and produced less smoke. US$ 5,000 will set up a women’s cooperative and production shed.



Thank you!



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