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About us - new partner


Our mission is to safeguard Ethiopia’s unique wildlife for the benefit of current and future generations.


Dinkenesh Ethiopia embodies the unique biodiversity of the country, as illustrated in our logo by the giant lobelia and the Ethiopian wolf. They are encircled by the colours of the Ethiopian flag representing the protection of Ethiopia’s unique wildlife, the wholeness of its people and their environment, and a sustainable approach.


Our objectives are:

  • Promote a better understanding of Ethiopia’s unique natural riches, including flagship endemics, through research and monitoring.

  • Implement conservation activities that reduce threats to the survival of Ethiopia’s unique species and boost their long-term persistence.

  • Foster community involvement in conservation, including sustainable uses of natural resources, incorporating traditional knowledge and alternative livelihoods.

  • Raise awareness of the importance to conserve Ethiopia’s unique natural heritage and ecosystem services, at local, national and international level.

Current projects:

One Health for people and wolves in the Bale Mountains. In partnership with the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority (EWCA). Funded by Wildlife Conservation Network.

Afroalpine conservation through sustainable livelihoods and institutions inspired by tradition - In partnership with the Amhara National Regional State Environment and Forest Protection Authority (EFPA). Funded by Darwin Initiative (Defra) and Wildlife Conservation  Network.


Dinkenesh Ethiopia Conservation Charitable Organization - Registration Number 6456, constituted in October 2022 
Board members:
 Dr Zelealem Tefera (chair), Dr Bezawork Afework (secretary), Tsyon Asfaw, Edriss Ebu, Eric Bedin 
Executive Director: Dr Girma Eshete 
: P.O.Box 136, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
