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EWCP Annual Report 2022 pdf













EWCP Annual Report 2020 pdf 

HIGHLIGHTS • Every wolf and every wolf population counts: good news to celebrate from a growing team of EWCP Monitors and Wolf Ambassadors working across Ethiopia; intentional fires in wolf habitat and disease have been a concern this year.   • A population revival in Delanta. A new pack is recolonising these remote mountains.  • Packs are breeding well in the Bale Mountains in the aftermath of the longest and most widespread outbreak ever recorded. A tragic combination of rabies and distemper spill-overs killed at least 88 wolves this year.   • The toolbox to prevent wolves dying from disease includes several intervention options. Sophisticated models lend strength to the importance of preventive wolf vaccination.  • A newly built field lab in the Bale Mountains will make diagnoses of disease in wolves faster and contribute to build local capacity for disease surveillance.  • After many years of applications, research and field trials, the oral rabies vaccine is approved for wide distribution and 22 wolf families are now protected.  • Many good news, and some challenges, from this year’s assessment of alternative livelihoods initiatives: Guassa Gardens, Highland Honey and Saving Fuel-Saving Wolves; clear signs that they are indeed sustainable.  • Risk and feasibility assessment of translocating wolves back to the Gaysay Grasslands, in the fringes of the Bale Mountains; tolerant and supportive local communities make us optimistic.   • Changing is hard. Living With Wolves is our concept for a new project using principles from behavioural and social sciences to address old and emerging threats to the wolves, with benefits for all.




EWCP Annual Report 2019 pdf

HIGHLIGHTS •The wolves of the Bale Mountains, the world’s largest population, continued their pathway to recovery, backed-up by a strong breeding outcome and vaccination campaigns. •Using our unparalleled monitoring data, we are building high resolution models to recreate disease outbreaks and test solutions. •Our One Health project maintained a buffer of vaccinated domestic dogs around the Bale wolf population and, in a ground-breaking move, started implementing preventive oral vaccination of wolves. •Our Biodiversity Friendly Futures promoted traditional natural resource management systems and sustainable livelihoods in two new protected areas. •Our vision for the future links habitat restauration with conservation translocations to save the Ethiopian wolf from extinction. •In response to mounting pressures on Afroalpine wild spaces and species, EWCP is growing, with more staff and training.



National Action Plan for Ethiopian Wolf Conservation 2017 pdf

The revised Action Plan includes up-to-date timelines and actors, and prioritizes innovative lines of work. An integrated disease management plan contemplates the use of oral vaccines to minimise the threat of rabies, while stressing the need for enforcement of existing regulations to control domestic dogs in and around protected areas. Monitoring, research, capacity building and habitat protection remain at the heart of the strategy, but conservation translocations of Ethiopian wolves was upgraded to priority action to ensure the long-term survival of the species. Education and awareness era also needed in support of conservation and to understand the wider benefits of protecting the biodiversity and functions of Afroalpine ecosystems in Ethiopia.


EWCP Annual Report 2017

EWCP Annual Report 2016

EWCP Annual Report 2015