In recognition of EWCP's work for the conservation of Ethiopian wolves, the Oromia Tourism Comission granted EWCP the “Best Conservationist” award during the Oromia Tourism Week 2023. Edris Ebu, who has worked for EWCP for over 30 years, was honoured to accept this award on behalf of the EWCP team. The ceremony took place in Addis Ababa on Wednesday, 27th September 2023.
The Bale Mountains are the biodiversity jewel of Oromia. A water tower for Ethiopia and surrounding countries, it is also home to the most important population of Ethiopian wolves, also found in the Arsi Mountains. The Ethiopian wolf, also known as Simien fox, Jeedala Faarda or Ky Kebero, is unique to Ethiopia. Anyone lucky to visit the highlands of Ethiopia will be delighted with sightings of these beautiful red wolves, living in family groups of up to 16 animals. Ethiopian wolves are one of many wonderful animals that have evolved in the highlands of Ethiopia and are a flagship for their conservation. Now confined to pockets in the highest mountains, Jedaala Faarda exists in six isolated mountain ranges surrounded by agriculture and people. These habitat islands are shrinking and the wolves surviving are threatened by disease, transmitted by domestic dogs, and habitat loss.
The EWCP family, currently composed by some 50 enthusiast Ethiopians, work without rest to protect the wolves from the multiple threats they face. The work is done in collaboration with many local communities across the country, and with support from Federal, Regional, Zonal, Woreda and Kebele governments. By protecting the Ethiopian wolves, we are protecting unique biodiversity and precious highlands that sustain local livelihoods and provide water to millions of people in the country and beyond.
EWCP is extremely proud to receive this award, a recognition of the hard work undertaken by all the team members over many years for the protection of the Ethiopian wolf and its Afroalpine habitat. We extend our thanks to all the people and organisations from all over the world who care about the Ethiopian wolf and support EWCP in the fight to protect them from extinction. Congratulations!
Watch in this video Edris Ebu receiving the award at the ceremony.