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The Team - Girma Eshete


Amhara Coordinator

Dr Girma Eshete Genbere graduated as a biologist from Alemaya University before working for over a decade in different government organisations dealing with natural resources, conservation and development in Ethiopia. After studying community management of an Afroalpine ecosystem during an MSc at Mekelle University he enrolled in WildCRU’s Postgraduate Diploma in International Wildlife Conservation Practice, which paved the way for a PhD at Leiden University in collaboration with Dr Jorgelina Marino at the University of Oxford.


As Amhara Coordinator for the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme Girma oversees research and conservation activities and liaises with government agencies and collaborators. He is a member of IUCN SSC Canid Specialist Group and the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Think Tank.


Contact: girma.eshete@ethiopianwolf.org